The Problem We All Live With

Part of the American section’s work on The Watsons Go To Birmingham is to study important events and moments in the fight for Black Americans’ civil rights during the 1950s and 60s. School integration is mentioned in chapter 9 of the novel, so we focused on the story of Ruby…

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EPI WWI / Visite au Musée de l’Armée

Comme chaque année, les classes de 3ème ont travaillé en octobre sur un travail pluridisciplinaire consacré à la Première Guerre mondiale. Cet EPI présenté en français, histoire-géographie et anglais leur permet de découvrir plusieurs aspects de la guerre avant de se mettre dans la peau d’une personne sur le front…

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The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963

One of the complete works the American Section is reading this year is Christopher Paul Curtis’s book The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963. It tells the story of Kenny Watson and his family as they make their way from Flint, Michigan to Birmingham, Alabama in the middle of the Civil…

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Back to School: Computer Skills

  The American International Section is back in session at Les Renardières! After distance learning last Spring, it became clear that we all need to brush up on our computer skills. One of the ways we’re doing that is by creating our own Google Sites on our classroom tablets to…

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Les civilisations précolombiennes par nos élèves de 3éme

Les élèves hispanisants de 3ème au collège nous emmènent en voyage dans le passé précoloniale du sous-continent américain. Toute au long d’une séquence, malheureusement vécue en confinement, les élèves ont pu découvrir les quatre grandes civilisations précolombiennes. Chaque élève a pu les approfondir avec un article écrit en Espagnol. Bonne…

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Learning From Home: Thinking like a historian

Have you ever wondered how the United States went from the 13th original colonies to a country that spans from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean? In our second unit of distance learning, we are exploring the main events in the 19th century that contributed to Westward Expansion from the…

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Learning From Home: Writing like a scientist

What has the American Section been working on at home? Well, for the first part of our distance learning, we wrote journal responses, learned how to improve our word choices in creative writing, and also learned how to write like a scientist! We studied different examples of ecosystems and food…

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